Stephen Duclos, LMFT, CST
Stephen has been working as a couples and family therapist, mental health counselor, and rehabilitation counselor since 1972. He currently holds licenses/national certifications in Sex Therapy (CST), Couples and Family Therapy (LMFT), Mental Health Counseling (LMHC), and Rehabilitation Counseling (CRC).
Stephen is an Approved Supervisor with the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT), and also the American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT). He is a member of the Society for the Scientific Study of
Sexuality, and the American Family Therapy Academy. In 2012, he and Jessica Price won the Patricia Schiller Prize (AASECT) for their work on Fathers, Adolescent Daughters, and Sexuality.
Stephen is the co-founder of both the South Shore Family Health Collaborative, and the South Shore Sexual Health Center, organizations dedicated to providing quality family therapy, couples therapy, sex therapy and education to the Greater Boston area. Stephen is an avid reader, movie buff, and film critic, often offering early film reviews from the Toronto International Film Festival, where
he is also a member.
Long a supervisor of other therapists, Mr. Duclos was also on the adjunct faculty of the Graduate School of Counseling at the University of Massachusetts at Boston, and is now a principal faculty member in the Sex Therapy Training Program at South Shore Sexual Health Center. He is vitally interested in technology and sexuality, father
involvement, gender-diverse relationships, short and long-term sexual relationships, polyamorous relationship development, and training therapists.
Stephen has been involved in civil rights for more than forty years. This includes registering voters for the Boston Election Commission in 1967, helping to establish the second Independent Living Center in the United States for persons with disabilities in the 1970’s, establishing bi-racial councils in Boston Public Schools during
desegregation, and supporting equal rights for the LGBTQ community. South Shore Sexual Health Center was created to provide therapeutic services to an underserved population, namely those citizens struggling with aspects of their sexuality, and to train
and certify existing therapists to become Certified Sex Therapists.
Stephen has been quoted in The New York Times Magazine, Reader’s Digest, Woman’s Day, Psychology Today, bustle.com, Glamour, and Vice, among others.